Monday, February 5, 2018


There are some pecan related bills in the legislative session this short session still; a buyers licensure act, and an appropriations bill for pecan weevil eradication funding. Both bills are industry driven. Mr. Cavitt from Lea County actually got the ball rolling on the appropriations bill. I believe the bills have been assigned to committees and have some hearings this week. Mr. Lewis has been called on by Senator Leavell to testify on the appropriations bill at a hearing this week and some from the pecan industry I imagine will also be participating. Again, these are industry driven bills that I’m sure would help with taking a solid stab at eradication and hopefully, cut down on theft if law enforcement can participate more in the buyer licensing process. The appropriations bill is HB 184 and Senate bill is 160 carried by Senator Leavell in the senate and Representatives Townsend and Gomez, in the house. The pecan buyers licensure act is carried by Representatives Townsend, Gomez, and Herrell in the house and is HB 214. Feel free to look up other details on the legislature’s website if you have further interest in these issues.

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