Friday, July 31, 2020
It been fun being your County Agent.

EPA Approves 13 Products from List N as Effective Against SARS-CoV-2
Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that 13 products on List N, EPA's list of products expected to kill SARS-CoV-2, have completed laboratory testing for use specifically against SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
“As part of President Trump’s all-of-government approach to fighting the spread of COVID-19, EPA is continuing its efforts to approve products that have specifically been tested against SARS-CoV-2,” said EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. “Each of these products already appears on the agency’s list of approved disinfectants—this additional step provides critical scientific data and information on the tools that the American public are relying on to protect their families.”
Before pesticide products can legally make claims that they can kill a particular pathogen such as SARS-CoV-2, the claim must be authorized by EPA based on a review of data. Because novel viruses are typically not immediately available for laboratory testing, EPA established guidance for Emerging Viral Pathogens .
The specific products approved include 12 unique products from the manufacturer Lonza and one additional Lysol product from Reckitt Benckiser. While these products were already on List N, they now carry additional weight against the virus that causes COVID-19 based on testing performed by the manufacturer and confirmed by EPA. The total number of products in this category is now 15.
Additionally, EPA continues to add products to List N that are expected to kill SARS-CoV-2, based on past efficacy testing. There are 469 approved products currently on List N. Those looking for approved disinfectant products should refer to List N for regular updates.
When using an EPA-registered disinfectant, follow the label directions for safe, effective use. Make sure to follow the contact time, which is the amount of time the surface should be visibly wet.
For more information visit: https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/list-n-disinfectants-use-against-sars-cov-2-covid-19EPA Proposes Registration of New Herbicide to Aid in Resistance Management
EPA is proposing to register a new active ingredient, tiafenacil, a contact herbicide.
EPA proposes tiafenacil for pre-plant and pre-emergence burndown use in corn (all types except sweet corn), cotton, soybeans and wheat. Proposed post-emergence uses include directed burndown in grapes, burndown in fallow and non-crop areas, and as a crop desiccant in cotton. There are no residential uses for tiafenacil proposed in this decision.
Tiafenacil is expected to be useful for herbicide-resistance management. It provides an alternative for controlling glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth in cotton, suppressing glyphosate-resistant marestail in corn and soybeans, and controlling waterhemp in corn and soybean.
The need for additional tools such as tiafenacil to manage these resistant weeds is growing, as herbicide resistance presents a significant financial, production and pest management issue for growers throughout the nation.
EPA assessed tiafenacil for registration on soybean, corn and cotton as a workshare with Canada’s Pesticide Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), with both agencies conducting separate assessments and then sharing results.
The database for tiafenacil indicates the chemical is generally low risk to non-target organisms other than plants, so most mitigation measures deal with avoiding contact with non-target plants. No other substantial risk mitigation was deemed necessary for the proposed uses.
EPA has not identified any dietary, residential, aggregate or occupational risks of concern for human health; therefore, no mitigation is being proposed.
Tiafenacil is proposed to be registered as one technical product and two end-use products.
The public comment period for this proposed decision will be open for 30 days, closing on Aug. 30, 2020. Visit Docket No. EPA-HQ-OPP-2019-0413 to read more and submit comments.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
NMSU to host July 30 webinar on marketing beef directly to consumers
DATE: 07/21/2020
WRITER: Jane Moorman,
505-249-0527, jmoorman@nmsu.edu
CONTACT: Craig Gifford, 405-880-1877, cgifford@nmsu.edu
Interest in direct marketing of beef to consumers has increased since the
COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on the retail food supply chain.
In response to requests for further information about the direct sale market,
New Mexico State University’s College of Agricultural, Consumer and
Environmental Sciences and the Southwest Sustainable Beef Project will focus
the July “Navigating COVID-19 for New Mexico Beef Producers” webinar on this
The session that will begin at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 30.
“The objective of this webinar is to provide New Mexico beef producers with an
update regarding current regulations for direct marketing of beef and potential
changes in those regulations in the future,” said Craig Gifford, NMSU Extension
beef specialist. “The webinar will be hallmarked with a few producers who have
built successful businesses based on direct marketing of beef to consumers.”
The program will include Jeff Witte, New Mexico Secretary of Agriculture,
providing the latest on COVID-19 impact in agriculture, as well as updates
regarding state-level meat inspection.
Marcy Ward, NMSU Extension livestock specialist, will provide updates on
current regulations in NM as well as some considerations for direct marketing
to consumers.
Rounding out the program will be Mike Callicrate of Ranch Food Direct out of
St. Francis, Kansas, and Cindy Tolle of Evergreen Ranching and Livestock LLC
out of Custer, South Dakota.
“Our two out-of-state guest speakers will give us insight into direct marketing
from their experiences of operating such businesses,” Gifford said. “Both are
selling grass-fed beef to non-traditional markets.”
Callicrate developed the Callicrate Smart Bander in 1991 and started Ranch
Foods Direct in 2000. He has been actively involved in social and political
efforts to improve the welfare of family farms and restore effective publicly
regulated markets.
“Mike is really in tune with what is happening around the nation regarding
direct marketing,” Gifford said. “There are a groups of producers who are
coming together at marketing co-ops. He will tell us about this option and
gives some ideas on how to direct market.”
Tolle raises Criollo cattle and bison. She is a member of the Southwest
Sustainable Beef Project team and has collaborated for a number of years with
NMSU’s Jornada Experimental Range Criollo project.
Through Evergreen Specialty Foods, Tolle provides Audubon Conservation Ranching
Certified grass-fed, grass-finished beef, bison, pastured pork, goat and lamb
to clients in a wide market.
“Cindy has a different approach to marketing her grass-fed beef that I think
our producers will find interesting,” Gifford said.
To attend the webinar, participants must register in advance at https://nmbeef.nmsu.edu.
After registering, a confirmation email will provide information about joining
the meeting.
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