Friday, March 27, 2015


The first event of the 2015 Beyond the Roundtable series will be Solar Water Pumping & Off-Grid Lighting on April 29, 2015 from 10 a.m. through 3:30 p.m. at the SWCRS in Corona. Attached is a flyer for the event with an agenda. This event is free to attend and will be limited to the first 45 to register online, so please register early to insure your attendance. The SWCRS is partnering with AC Nutrition, ADM Alliance Nutrition, Dow Agrosciences, HiPro Feeds, and Purina Mills to host 6 symposiums April through September that we have named Beyond the Roundtable (BTR) as this series will provide a more formalized presentation format than did our Rancher’s Roundtable Series. For each BTR we will invite experts in the subject at hand to present information in 30 to 60 minute presentations starting with introduction of the daily subject and following with presentations that will build knowledge and understanding. The day will end with a roundtable discussion to provide answers to all questions you may have about the day’s topic. Further, a proceedings will be provided to all participants with presentation materials and other important publications that will provide further reading and information. Thanks to our Partners, along with our sponsors; Allfex USA, Carrizozo Soil & Water Conservation District, Ag New Mexico Farm Credit, Farm Credit of New Mexico, the New Mexico Stockman, Paul’s Veterinary Supply and Zoetis, along with the Agriculture Experiment Station, Animal and Range Sciences and the Corona Range and Livestock Research Center there will be no charge for the first few for sure, however due to unforeseen costs of publication of the proceedings, a small fee may be required as the year progresses, but hopefully we can keep within budget to avoid a charge. Other Scheduled BTR events are: April 29th Solar Water Pumping and Off-Grid Lighting May 19th Livestock Health, Immunity, & Vaccinations June TBA Brush and Weed Control July TBA Ruminant Nutrition I – The Rumen Environment and Requirements Aug TBA Ruminant Nutrition II – Protein, Energy & Minerals Supplementation Sept TBA Range Improvement & Pasture Assessment Please feel free to contact me with any questions or if you would rather not register online, Shad

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